Rabu, 06 April 2011


FreeCommander adalah dual-panel file explorer dengan banyak fitur tambahan. Selain fitur manajemen file standar, dapat digunakan untuk membandingkan direktori, menampilkan ukuran folder, sinkronisasi folder dan banyak lagi. Program ini juga dapat membuka / membuat file ZIP dan CAB, dan membuka file RAR, serta mencari di dalam arsip tersebut. Anda dapat mengatur view filter, membuat daftar folder (untuk pencetakan), mengubah atribut file, menjalankan command prompt, mengambil screenshot desktop dan banyak lagi.

Fitur :

* Dual-panel teknologi - horizontal dan vertikal
* Tabbed interface
* Pilihan tree view untuk setiap panel
* Built in File Viewer untuk melihat file dalam hex, binary, teks atau format gambar
* File viewer di dalam archieve juga
* Built in menangani archive: ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write), RAR (read)
* Akses mudah ke folder sistem, control panel, desktop dan start menu
* Salin, memindahkan, menghapus, mengubah nama file dan folder
* Alat mengubah nama
* Membersihkan file
* Membuat dan memverifikasi checksum MD5
* Memisahkan file
* Properti file dan konteks menu
* Perhitungan Ukuran Folder
* Folder Perbandingan / sinkronisasi
* Modifikasi tanggal dan atribut file
* Folder / program favorit
* Pencarian File (di dalam arsip juga)
* Pengguna mendefinisikan kolom untuk tampilan rinci
* DOS command line
* Dukungan beberapa bahasa

FreeCommander is a dual-panel file explorer with many additional features. In addition to the standard file management features, it can be used to compare directories, display folder sizes, synchronize folders and more. The program can also open/create ZIP and CAB files, and open RAR files, as well as search inside those archives. You can set view filters, create folder list (for printing), change file attributes, launch a command prompt, take a desktop screenshot and more.

Features :

* Dual-panel technology - horizontal and vertical
* Tabbed interface
* Optional tree view for each panel
* File viewer inside archives too
* Easy access to system folders, control panel, desktop and start menu
* Copy, move, delete, rename files and folders
* Multi rename tool
* Wipe files
* Create and verify MD5 checksums
* File splitting
* File properties and context menu
* Calculation of Folder Size
* Folder Comparison / synchronization
* Modification of file date and attributes
* Folder / program favorites
* File searching (inside archive too)
* User defined columns for detailed view
* DOS command line
* Multiple language support


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